It’s time to Become the woman God Wants you to be.

Work with Ashley
Exclusive CHRISTIAN Training and Coaching


You know that your home life needs to change. You know God wants:
  • Less yelling and more loving.
  • Less stress and more peace.
  • Less busyness and more purpose.

So you set goals, read the best seller books, and wake up at 5am. You do all the things the world tells you to do...and change still eludes you. You know that God made you for more, but you just can't break through your own negative thinking.

The truth is that real transformation starts on the inside and nothing the world can offer measures up to God's truth.

The problem is your outer world will always be a reflection of your inner world. And if you’re struggling with anger, fear, confusion or insecurity, then it’s going to show up in your home.

I want to invite you to begin a 180 degree transformation like you've never imagined:


I  was never good enough.

Now I know it’s all a mental thing. Ashley, you are spot on, it’s so powerful what you are teaching and doing. I love your heart!

- cindy  |  private coaching client

"Do not be conformed to this world
but be transformed..."

Romans 12:2

You want to:

✓ Be the mom God wants you to be...but you always end up yelling at your kids.
✓ Build your own confidence...but you never feel good enough.
✓ Save that relationship...but you don’t know what to say.
✓ Get over your fear of being insecure around others...but you hate how you look.

You think you’re a failure. That you’re the problem.

You just haven’t had the right tools...

The change you want to see in your life? That Proverbs 31 woman you want to be?

You are already THAT woman. 
You just need to walk in the knowledge of who God made you to be.

Forget band-aid courses and fluff-filled self-help books. You need high-quality biblically-based direction from someone who knows what it takes to trust God for unimaginable transformation.

The real problem is

Until now.

I'm Ashley Varner and I’m here for you.

What qualifies me to help you renew your mind and transform your life?

Well, I could tell you about my Degrees in the Bible and Counseling. Or my certification as a Christian Life Coach. Or maybe my 15+ years as a business owner.

But I don’t think those qualify me as much as my own story of how God transformed me has.

When I gave my personal growth journey to God:

✓ He replaced my hum-drum relationship with Him to a joy-filled connection, walking unapologetically in my purpose everyday and looking forward to a daily powerful prayer and devotion time.
✓ He took my weaknesses as a mother and filled me with His patience and kindness.
 ✓ He traded the insecurity I had about my body for a healthy body to use for His glory. 
✓ He restored my pain and exchanged it for peace NO MATTER WHAT circumstances come my way.
✓ He exchanged my biggest dreams for His unimaginable Kingdom riches, plans, and joy.

And I didn’t have to:

✗ Read a ton of self-help books
✗ Move to a bigger house
✗ Hire a nanny, or
✗ Go into tons of debt

I made the decision to let go of the world's way and renew my mind God's way.

All this change was available to me the entire time. So, how did things finally change?

And I’m going to show you how you can do the same.

And that’s why I know RENEW180 is the LAST program you will ever need.

In RENEW180, you WON’T get band-aid tips and tricks.

You’ll get exclusive biblical training and Christian coaching. My hybrid approach makes all the difference.


Online courses don’t give you the chance to ask questions or provide any accountability. You’re left feeling unmotivated and don’t even finish all the lessons. The result: You don’t see results and blame yourself for wasting money.

And coaching doesn’t give you the tools to start seeing change right away. You fumble through foundational coaching principles for weeks until you're exhausted. The result: You don't see results and blame yourself for wasting time. 

That's why Renew180 takes a new approach. And it’s an approach that works in 180 days.

What We Do:

✓ Foundational instruction in six strategically chosen pillars taught through self-paced video lessons that you can rewatch as much as you need. 
 ✓ Monthly live coaching to work through any obstacles you experience + all replays if you cannot attend live.
 ✓ Beautiful success guides with actionable steps for each foundational video, extra motivation and personalized goal setting.
 ✓ Bonus audio lessons to boost learning and motivation while on the go.

You've probably realized that your inner thought life affects your atmosphere, but have you given any thought to how your atmosphere affects your thoughts and emotions?

And if you want true lasting change, you need my two-fold approach. First, you'll dive into training on your inner world. Your thoughts and emotions. We'll cover things like insecurity, fear and saying goodbye to toxic relationships. 

Next, you and I take that transformational work to your outer world. We will get to work on your environment and home, even your calendar and car will get some attention!

In the next 6 months, you’ll finally see the 180 degree transformation that you’ve wished for for years to achieve.

It does.

What Makes RENEW180 Different

the features


Every week, you'll receive a new foundation video in your account. I've chosen 6 pillars of life and each month is laser-focused on one pillar. You'll have action steps after each video to implement in the following week included in your Success Guides.

VALUE: $2800


Every month, I will be on a live video call to answer any questions you have about obstacles you're facing. You can show up on the call live to be coached one-on-one. If time allows, I’ll answer submitted questions, so if you can't show up live, make sure to submit a question ahead of time.

VALUE: $9600


​These gorgeous success guides will be available for download with action steps for each foundation video and motivation to put in the work. It also includes bonus printable guides like personalized goal setting and Bible study pages for you to download and print or use on your iPad with an app like Goodnotes or Notability. 

VALUE: $37

Six Months of unlimited email support and coaching

Email coaching can be more valuable than live coaching. You get to think through what you've learned and ask the questions you’re too afraid to ask in person. You get written guidance that you can go back to again and again. You'll also get encouragement from Ashley cheering you on (when the people in your day-to-day life may not be enthusiastic about your change or success). 

VALUE: $3000


I know what it's like to need an extra boost every now and then. So I've provided bonus audio lessons in each foundational pillar, as well as Screen Tutorials to practically walk you through things like your Calendar and To Do List.

VALUE: $500


Sometimes we don’t do better because we don’t know better. That’s why I’m including 6 lists of my personally recommended products. These are services I use, products I love, and resources I can’t live without.

VALUE: $50

Lifetime access to the foundational pillar teaching

I realize that your God-sized transformation may take more than 6 months in Renew180. So, you’ll also continue having access to all the training material, and any new material for as long as this program exists.




your cost

or 6 Payments of $475

VALUE: $1000

copyright the renewed mind, LLC  |  twenty twenty FIVE