
Top-charting, Biblically based teaching.
New episodes every Thursday.

by Ashley Varner

the renewed mind

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Listen in each week for episodes on confidence, handling emotions, and mindfulness all from the trusted biblical perspective you know and love!

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As humans, we will experience uncomfortable emotions. Grief is one of those emotions. Join me today as I share my grief journey after losing my father about 6 months ago. I’ll share how you can be intentional about feeling your emotions, make peace with the fact that the world moves on, and how to keep […]

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People usually start thinking about their goals for the new year on...December 31st. Let's get ahead of the game and start talking about how you can set goals effectively. #christianlifecoach #settinggoals #newyearsresolutions

People usually start thinking about their goals for the new year on December 31st. Let’s get ahead of the game and start talking about how you can set goals effectively. The first step is the one everyone ALWAYS misses, but in my opinion, it’s the most important: partnering with the Lord. Today I am going […]

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Giving thanks ahead of time is the biggest sign of faith. It shows that you believe so much that God is faithful to provide and bless you, that you thank Him before you EVEN see any evidence of it! Keep reading to see how you can start thanking God in advance. #christianlifecoach #gratitude

Today’s Thanksgiving Day and I’m thanking The Lord for all of you! In today’s video, I want to talk to you about thanking God in advance. Giving thanks ahead of time is the biggest sign of faith. It shows that you believe so much that God is faithful to provide and bless you, that you […]

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No matter where you find yourself, we all have a lot to be thankful to The Lord for. But just saying thank you isn't enough. It has to be backed up by action. Today, I'm sharing the teaching that Paul gives about grace and what it has to do with giving thanks! #givingthanks #christianlifecoach #gratitude

No matter where you find yourself, we all have a lot to be thankful to The Lord for. But just saying thank you isn’t enough. It has to be backed up by action. Today, I’m sharing the teaching that Paul gives about grace and what it has to do with giving thanks! <br>____________________ Resources Mentioned: […]

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Do you have a problem with complaining? I know that I do unless I'm intentional about taking my thoughts captive. Over the last several weeks and months, I've been diligently working on dealing with my complaining and I've found a few things that have worked! Read on to find out about how to you can stop complaining and sharing some tips so that complaining is no longer a vise in your life. #christianlifecoach #stopcomplaining

Gratitude is not our default setting. Complaining is. Do you have a problem with complaining? I know that I do unless I’m intentional about taking my thoughts captive. Over the last several weeks and months, I’ve been diligently working on dealing with my complaining and I’ve found a few things that have worked! Today I’m […]

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Gratitude is an important habit to practice. One great way to make gratitude part of your daily life is to start a Gratitude Journal. Read on to see how to start a gratitude journal and the three key elements you need to incorporate so that you can stick with it! #christianlifecoach #gratitude #gratitudejournal

We hear all the time that gratitude is important. One great way to practice gratitude is to create a Gratitude Journal. Today I’m sharing how you can start a gratitude journal and the three key elements you need so that you stick with it! Resources Mentioned: Thrive Bible Study Vault: https://ashleyvarner.com/thriveRenew180 Christian Coaching: https://ashleyvarner.com/180 Highlights […]

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God says in His Word that He didn't give us a spirit of fear. So why do so many Christians live in fear? Did you know what every action comes from an emotion? And every emotion stems from a thought? We often make the mistake of thinking that our circumstances are the reason for our fear, but that's not true. Here's why! #christianlifecoach #confidencecoach

God says in His Word that He didn’t give us a spirit of fear. So why do so many Christians live in fear? Did you know that every action comes from an emotion? And every emotion stems from a thought? We often make the mistake of thinking that our circumstances are the reason for our […]

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Sometimes when you’re going through a struggle, people will say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” While people who say this mean well, it’s not Scriptural in regards to crisis and struggle. That verse is actually talking about temptation. The truth is that God gives us more than we can handle all the time. Here's why. #christianlifecoach #christianliving

Sometimes when you’re going through a struggle, people will say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” While people who say this mean well, it’s not Scriptural in regards to crisis and struggle. That verse is actually talking about temptation. The truth is that God gives us more than we can handle all […]

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We all have things in our lives that we want to change. Things that we wish we could let go of or add to our lives. Most of the time, the things we want to change fall into 3 categories: health, money, and relationships. What if it was possible to change your life in six months? What if six months from now, your life could be completely different? It's possible! I know because I've done it. And now I want to show you how! #christianlifecoach #transformation #beforeandafter

We all have things in our lives that we want to change. Things that we wish we could let go of or add to our lives. Most of the time, the things we want to change fall into 3 categories: health, money, and relationships. What if it was possible to change your life in six […]

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Did you know your brain has incredible capabilities? When you get into the habit of asking your brain questions, you'll be on your way to transforming your life. #christianlifecoach #takeyourthoughtscaptive

Today we’re talking about the power of asking ourselves questions. God uses questions in the Bible to help people think. And we can follow His lead and ask ourselves questions. Resources Mentioned: Biblical Affirmations Episode: https://ashleyvarner.com/biblical-affirmationsVictim Mentality Episode: https://ashleyvarner.com/victim-mentalityThe Mindset Reset: https://ashleyvarner.com/mindsetGet Ashley’s groundbreaking program The Mindset Reset. It is a self-paced program made to […]

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Transparency and Insight

It is Ashley’s transparency and insight into her own struggles along the way that have given me the courage to confront my own faulty beliefs.

- Rebecca

Ashley varner

podcast host, speaker, and confidence coach

I work with Christian women across the country to transform their lives by renewing their minds. I created The Renewed Mind out of my own mindset transformation because it’s my goal to reach every Christian woman with the truth that living a life of confidence is possible for them.

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ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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