I’m Ashley Varner.

I am a Bible teacher, author and speaker. I work with women across the country to cultivate a biblical worldview by aligning their thoughts, emotions, and actions with God’s Word.

Hi  There!


I know firsthand the transformation that comes when you start renewing your mind.

See, for years, I lived by my emotions instead of the truth of God's Word. Thoughts like...

I’ll always struggle...

I won’t ever have an on-fire relationship with God like other women do...

I'm scared I won't be able to raise up my kids in today's world...

All those thoughts weren't bringing me closer to the Lord or to my family. And I was convinced that I was the problem.

But I realized that I just wasn’t truly seeing my life through the lens of a biblical worldview.

I had searched and searched, but nothing worked for me. That’s when I decided to take my thoughts captive, and start thinking God’s way. That work became The Renewed Mind.

Romans 12:2 became my mission, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The definition of renew is to give fresh life to something; to revive it.

The amazing thing is, when you allow God to renew your mind, everything else in your life changes, too!  

That's the business god is in and no one does it better!

learn from me - we're in this together.

change is possible.

Listen to The Renewed Mind Podcast for biblically-based teaching, read the articles here on the site or if you’re really ready to dive into this work and see God's transformational work for yourself, then grab one of my Bible Studies or Programs by checking out The Renewed Mind Shop.

let's get started by working together

She feeds my spirit.

On top of being a great coach, she feeds my spirit. With her many devotionals and encouraging words, I feel strong, not only physically but spiritually.

- Amy  |  private coaching client

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

let's get you started

copyright the renewed mind twenty twenty FOUR   |   brand and website by with grace and gold