5 Verses for When You Feel Unappreciated

I get you, sister.

You love the Lord and serve Him. You love what you do. Maybe you’re a mom, a ministry leader, a co-worker. Maybe you’re all three.

You love serving, but sometimes you feel unappreciated by others.

Can I tell you that you’re not alone?

We all go through times when we feel unappreciated for the things we do.

Here are 5 verses to help you navigate through your feelings so you can give God your best and reach new heights in Christ.

Colossians 3:23

It can be discouraging when you serve and don’t feel appreciated for what you do. When no one says “thank you” or “good job.” It’s in the those times that we have to look to WHO we’re actually serving.

Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working FOR THE LORD, and not for men.” The next verse goes on to say, “Because you know you’ll receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward, it is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

God sees every piece of laundry you pick up and every piece of paperwork you file. He sees every time you bow to your knees to pray and every morning you wake up early to help someone else.

He’s the one you’re serving and He see you.

colossians 3:23 whatever you do Ashley Varner

Isaiah 42:8

Isaiah 42:8 “I am the Lord that is my name and I will not give my glory to another.”

Usually I see this verse and think about idols. But God says He won’t share His glory with anyone. Including ME.

If I’m too busy worrying about how much I’m unappreciated, then it could be that I’m trying to hog some of the glory.

This was a lesson that I learned first hand this year. I was throwing a pity party and felt God say, “Ashley, what if the only reward you received was Me saying “well done” would that be enough for you?” Whew! That put me in my place!

I surrendered my pride and said, “Yes Lord. To You and You alone be the glory.”

when you feel unappreciated | AshleyVarner.com

1 Timothy 4:12

When we feel unappreciated, sometimes it’s because we’re younger, but we can also feel like people are looking down on us because we’re less experienced in a particular ministry. We’re new. We don’t have it all together.

In those times, we can turn our feelings of being unappreciated around and instead be the example.

When I’m feeling unappreciated, I work to appreciate others. I think of all the people around me who make my life easier, who teach my kids, who serve in the same ministries as I do, and I work to appreciate them.

1 Timothy 4:12 | Ashley Varner | AshleyVarner.com set an example for the believers


1 Thessalonians 5:18

We are called to give thanks in every circumstance.

Even when you feel unappreciated, you can remain grateful. When I’m serving, it helps me to remember that I should give thanks for the opportunity to serve.

It’s a privilege to serve my family! It’s an honor to serve at my church!

I can look upward instead of inward and give God thanks. That takes care of any feelings I have of being unappreciated.

Give thanks | AshleyVarner.com

Luke 12:7

Last but not least! Verse 5!

Jesus said, “You are of more value…” God values YOU. He values the work that you are doing for Him. He appreciates you.

And I don’t know about you, but just knowing that is enough for me!

AshleyVarner.com | even the hairs on your head are numbered Luke 12:7

Get control over your emotions so they don’t control you!

Did you know that you have the ability to get control over your emotions?  The secret is that your emotions aren’t determined by your circumstances.


Get Ashley’s ground breaking program The Mindset Reset to find out more.  It’s a self-paced program made to guide you to taking your thoughts captive and finally control your emotions, so they stop controlling you! 

Have you ever felt like you're the only one not getting this "mom" thing? | Feeling Unappreciated AshleyVarner.com

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- Ashley Varner

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