Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

As humans, we will experience uncomfortable emotions. Grief is one of those emotions. Join me today as I share my grief journey after losing my father about 6 months ago. I’ll share how you can be intentional about feeling your emotions, make peace with the fact that the world moves on, and how to keep […]

It’s possible to experience joy no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. Being joyful isn’t the same as being happy. It’s a deeper, quiet, confidence that says, “I know I can experience joy even in the most difficult of situations.” That can be your reality! Resources Mentioned: The Mindset Reset: Journaling: of […]

It can be discouraging when you serve and don’t feel appreciated for what you do. When no one says “thank you” or “good job.” Resources Mentioned: The Mindset Reset: Journaling PDF: Free Resources Highlights from the Episode Have you ever given everything that you had and still felt unappreciated by the people around you? If that’s […]

Have you ever prayed for something and felt ignored by God? You cry out to Him and don’t hear an answer. It can leave you feeling disappointed and hurt. Let’s dive into the story of 3 friends of Jesus who felt the same way.

We all want it: peace of mind.  But how can we have peace of mind in a world that is filled with fear?  I’m talking about the kind of fear that grips your heart and won’t let go. It stops you in your tracks almost to the point where you can’t move forward, physically, emotionally, or […]

Do you know what your stress triggers are? Most people don’t know that there are two different types of triggers.  Recently, I talked about how to have peace of mind. I shared that the trick to having peace of mind is knowing that it involves Someone greater than us.  If you’ve been following me for a while, […]

Do you know someone who is emotionally balanced? Life may throw things at them, but they never seem to get too ruffled. They don’t live a drama-filled life. You don’t see them in the bathroom crying over their horrible weekend. It doesn’t mean they’re super happy all the time, but they aren’t being controlled by […]

We’ve all heard of trust falls with someone closing their eyes and falling backward, trusting the person behind them to catch them. But instead of thinking of trust as fear and falling, I want you to start thinking about trust as learning to lean back and rest.

Today we’re talking about the power of asking ourselves questions. God uses questions in the Bible to help people think. And we can follow His lead and ask ourselves questions. Resources Mentioned: Biblical Affirmations Episode: Victim Mentality Episode: The Mindset Reset: Get Ashley’s ground breaking program The Mindset Reset. It is a self-paced program […]

Comparison is a struggle for most of us. What starts off pretty innocently can turn into an unquenchable force in our lives. Today, I’m sharing the pitfalls of comparison and how we can finally get out from under it. Resources Mentioned: Your Identity Podcast: on the Dangers of Self-Help: Allie Beth Stuckey’s Book: Mindset […]

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

let's get you started

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