Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

When you're going through a difficult time, it's hard to pray. But today, I'm sharing why God allows difficult times in our lives and how we can pray through them so we can experience Christ on a deeper level. #prayer #christianprayer #prayingthroughhardtimes

When you’re going through a difficult time, it’s hard to pray. But today, I’m sharing how you can pray through life’s trials and how we can pray through them so we can experience Christ on a deeper level. Resources Mentioned: Power of Prayer Workbook: (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From The Episode: We’re all going […]

Should Christians meditate? Is that something that we should even add to our prayer time? Today I’m sharing how Christians can add biblical meditation to their prayer routine so they can see dramatic changes in their spiritual life. Resources Mentioned: Power of Prayer Workbook: Meditation App: https://soultime.comRenew180 (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From the Episode: […]

Should Christians meditate? Is that something that we should even add to our prayer time? Today I'm sharing how Christians can add biblical meditation to their prayer routine so they can see dramatic changes in their spiritual life. #meditation #christianmeditation #prayerandmeditation
Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? Even the strongest Christian finds themselves asking "Does prayer change anything?" Today, I'm sharing what to do when you are praying and not getting any answers. #prayer #doesGodhearmyprayers #christiancoach

Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? Even the strongest Christian finds themselves asking “Does prayer change anything?” Today, I’m sharing what to do when you are praying and not getting any answers.” Resources Mentioned: Power of Prayer Workbook: (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From The Episode Even someone who’s been a Christian […]

Do you have a dedicated place to pray? It could be a closet, a room, or just a corner in your home! Today I’m sharing how you can create a prayer room and I’m giving you a tour of mine! Resources Mentioned: The Yoga Abbey: https://theyogaabbey.comSoultime Meditation App: https://soultime.comPrayer Journal Pages on The Renewed Mind […]

Have you ever felt like your Christian life was just in a slump or maybe your relationship with the Lord just didn’t excite you or you didn’t feel as connected to him as you once were? Well, there is a cure for that and we’re going to be talking about it today ____________________ Resources Mentioned […]

You can do a lot of things to change your life, but if you don’t change your thinking first, your actions won’t be long-lasting. There’s a lot of talk about mindset work right now, but this is a Christian idea. Paul told the Romans thousands of years ago to be transformed by the renewing of […]

It’s the beginning of a new year and as we look to the future, I want to give you permission to dream bigger than you ever have before. God has given you dreams, it’s time to become a visionary that can take hold of the dreams God has given you and take the steps to […]

Did you know that 92% of new year’s resolutions are left unaccomplished? But your goals for the new year don’t have to fail! Here are 8 things that you can do before the New Year to ensure that you will reach your goals! Podcast: Resources Mentioned: Renew180 (formerly 180Confidence)Weekly Reset Worksheet 1. Let go of […]

Christian Tips to Build Better Habits | The Renewed Mind Podcast

Today we’re talking about habits.  But I want to take a different approach than most. I want to help you build better habits from the ground up. From your thoughts first.   Because if you build habits from your thoughts, then it doesn’t matter what the circumstance is, your habits will be firm if your […]

We’ve all heard of trust falls with someone closing their eyes and falling backward, trusting the person behind them to catch them. But instead of thinking of trust as fear and falling, I want you to start thinking about trust as learning to lean back and rest.

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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In Renew180, you WON’T get band-aid tips and tricks. You’ll get exclusive training and practical coaching. My hybrid approach makes all the difference. Online courses don’t give you the chance to ask questions or provide any accountability. You’re left feeling unmotivated and don’t even finish all the lessons. The result: You don’t see results and blame yourself for wasting money.

That's why Renew180 takes a new approach.

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