Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

When I read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, the title said, “The not so secret guaranteed to transform your life…” I’m an avid reader, so I decided to read it, but to be honest, I didn’t really expect it to transform my life. But…I didn’t even finish the entire book before I saw HUGE […]

A lot of us have looked through Pinterest posts that detail different routines and ways to help you set up your day to be more productive. When I did this, I realized I didn’t just want to have a productive day. I also didn’t just want to have a peaceful day.  I wanted to start […]

5 Morning Habits to Start Your Day God's Way |

Today I’m going to be sharing some insights from the book Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer. If you haven’t read that book, just click the image below to check it out on Amazon. ***Please note that some links on this page are affiliate links and I may get […]

Martin Luther said, “You can’t stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop them from making a nest in your hair.” Martin Luther wasn’t really talking about birds, he was talking about your thoughts.

Many times we try to control your actions without dealing with our thoughts, and it’s hard. That’s why willpower doesn’t always work. If we deal with the thoughts first, then the actions will take care of themselves.

As a Christian leader, you want to give value to the people you’re leading. You want your events, your blog posts, your words, to be edifying and uplifting to the women who attend your event or read your blog or listen to your podcast. So how do you really give VALUE as a leader? DETERMINE […]

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

let's get you started

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