Affirmations are phrases that people say to encourage or motivate themselves to make specific changes in their lives. Today, we’re going to talk about Christian affirmations.
The problem with affirmations is that they’re not useful if they’re just based on a phrase you came up with yourself, especially if it’s not true.
Today I’m going to teach you have to make “affirmations” based on God’s Word.
How to Create Christian Affirmations that Will Change Your Life
Let’s talk about Affirmations.
Affirmations are phrases that people say to themselves to encourage or motivate them to do certain things, or make specific changes to the circumstances in their lives.
But your circumstance is irrelevant.
How can I say that?
Because two people can go through the exact same circumstance and be completely different people.
Your circumstances on their own are incomplete.
Related Post: How to Take Your Thoughts Captive
There were two girls in detention. One that decided that she wasn’t going to try anymore. She didn’t care if she got detention, she started hanging out with the wrong crowd and dropped out of school.
The other girl used the detention to realize she was on the wrong path. She got serious about her grades and started making positive changes in her life. Then she realized that she didn’t want her life to continue that way. She worked hard, graduated and went on to be successful in life.
They had the same circumstance, but it was the way they were thinking that determined their outcomes.

3 Steps to Create Christian Affirmations
There are three ways of thinking you can apply to your circumstance:
Your Circumstance = Your “Truth” = Incomplete
I’ve heard of women who want to lose weight waking up everyday and saying “I am a size 4.”
The problem with those affirmations is that they’re not useful if they’re just based on a phrase you came up with yourself, especially if it’s not true.
Your Circumstance + The Devil’s Lies = Bondage
When you add the enemy’s lies to your circumstance, what you get is bondage. Let’s go back to the affirmation of being a size four. If you begin saying that affirmation, and you’re not a size four, the enemy will begin to fill your mind with discouragement or hate for your body. You’ll begin to live in bondage to diets or excessive exercise.

Your Circumstance + God’s Truth = Freedom
When women come to me in the Thriving mom Club, and they tell me that they want to see real change in their lives, the first thing I tell them is that they have to start with God’s Word.
We have to meditate on GOD’S truth if we want to see real change. Again, let’s go back to that affirmation of being a size 4. What if you looked into God’s Word and began “affirming” what it says.
You can wake every morning quoting Psalm 139, “I am fearfully and wonderful made.” You begin to walk with the confidence that you’re God’s child and you begin to treat your body differently out of LOVE for Him.