Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

As humans, we will experience uncomfortable emotions. Grief is one of those emotions. Join me today as I share my grief journey after losing my father about 6 months ago. I’ll share how you can be intentional about feeling your emotions, make peace with the fact that the world moves on, and how to keep […]

The Bible says that our lives are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Today I want to talk to you about up-leveling your life by changing small things about the way you’re thinking. We’re going to learn about how micro upgrades can really change your life! Resources Mentioned Confidence Affirmations: Mindset Reset: […]

The Bible says that our lives are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Today I want to talk to you about up-leveling your life by changing small things about the way you're thinking. Read on to see how micro upgrades can really change your life! #uplevelyourlife #microupgrades #renewyourmind
Should Christians make vision boards? Absolutely! Here's how you can use vision boards to create the results you want in your life to finally see the goals you set being met! #visionboards #christianvisionboard #goalsetting

The other day, someone asked me if vision boards were Christian? I’ve used vision boards for my goals for many years now, and today I want to share why I believe they’re biblical and how you can create one to start seeing your goals come to life! Resources Mentioned: I AM Christian Confidence Affirmations: […]

It’s the beginning of a new year and as we look to the future, I want to give you permission to dream bigger than you ever have before. God has given you dreams, it’s time to become a visionary that can take hold of the dreams God has given you and take the steps to […]

How does God define success? How can we know that we’re experiencing success in God’s eyes? In today’s episode, I’m sharing some nuggets from Proverbs 31 that businesswomen can start using to define their success – God’s Way! Podcast: Resources Mentioned Sunday Reset Your Passion His PurposeRenew180 (formerly 180Confidence) Is the Proverbs 31 Woman Attainable? […]

How do the mindsets of successful women differ from those who aren’t as successful? Today we’re answering that question and discovering the 6 mindsets of women who live out the dreams that God has placed in their hearts. Resources Mentioned: The Mindset ResetRenew180 (formerly 180Confidence) Video: How to Take Your Thoughts Captive Failure is Good […]

When we reflect on the progress of our goals, it gives us more motivation to keep striving to reach them. At the beginning of this year, I started conducting a weekly reset and audit of my life, habits, and goals.

Today I’m sharing why it has impacted my life and how you can create a weekly reset that works for you!

Our lives are made up of the things we do everyday. John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily.”
So what things are you do everyday to help strengthen your faith and draw you closer to the Lord? Today, I’m sharing 7 things Christian women can do everyday to grow in their spiritual walks with the Lord.

Becoming a woman of intention takes work.  On the other hand, it can be easy to let life happen to us.  It’s easy to just react to life and let the days pass us by. But days turn into weeks, and those weeks turn into months, and those months turn into years. Pretty soon, we find […]

Your thoughts make a huge impact on the course of your life. Every word, every feeling, every action starts as a thought first. So if you can change the way you think, you can change your life.

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

let's get you started

live out your purpose

change is possible.

In Renew180, you WON’T get band-aid tips and tricks. You’ll get exclusive training and practical coaching. My hybrid approach makes all the difference. Online courses don’t give you the chance to ask questions or provide any accountability. You’re left feeling unmotivated and don’t even finish all the lessons. The result: You don’t see results and blame yourself for wasting money.

That's why Renew180 takes a new approach.

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