Insecure to Confident

You can go from insecure to confident right now. Without changing the amount of money in your bank account or the number on the scale.

Taking Your Thoughts Captive

Your thoughts have more to do with your outcome than you think.

Circumstances (on their own) don’t have any effect on your feelings. It is your thoughts that determine your feelings.

Paul says over and over that we need to take your thoughts captive.

When you change your thoughts you change your feelings.

Your feelings determine your actions.
Your actions determine your outcome.

A circumstance happens, and your thoughts about this circumstance turn into your belief and feelings.

These thoughts and feelings then determine what actions you take. And the actions you take determine the outcome.

How to Go From Insecure to Confident | The Graceful Life with Ashley Varner

David and Goliath

The story of David and Goliath can be found in 1 Samuel 17. The Philistines and Israelites were in battle. The Israelites were afraid of Goliath.

David’s brothers had thoughts about the situation.

They thought:

  • Goliath was way too big
  • he’ll kill us
  • there’s no way we can beat him.

Those thoughts created their feelings of fear and intimidation.

Those feelings turned into actions of waiting around and being afraid.

The outcome was they were sitting waiting and nothing was happening.

David had different thoughts about this situation. He heard Goliath saying all these things about God, and his thought was how dare this Philistine defy God.

His thoughts turned into feelings of trust in God and being motivated to fight.

His feelings then turned into actions of going out and fighting.

The outcome was one of defeating Goliath and becoming a hero.

We have to change our thinking to be like David’s. His confidence came from WHO he trusted in: God.

Accepting who you are is really about trusting God.

To change our insecure thoughts to confident we must begin to see ourselves the way Jesus sees us.

Begin to think confident thoughts, God’s thoughts.

The Walking in Confidence Bible study is now part of the Thrive Bible Study Vault. It’s 21 days of devotions that will change your feelings by changing your thinking.

Feelings are not determined by your circumstances

James 1:2-3 says,

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1:2 – 3 NIV

Whatever your circumstance is, you can change the way you feel about it by changing the way you think.

The Bible tells us to be grateful in every circumstance.

Insecurity is a feeling.

Your insecurity is produced by your thinking.

And that’s great news because you can apply God’s Word to your thinking and you can change your feelings.

The sooner you take responsibility for your feelings, the sooner you can change them.

Then you can stop blaming other people or expecting them to be responsible for your feelings.

We can trade our thoughts for God’s thoughts. If you haven’t already listened to the episode on changing negative thinking, go and do that now.

You can be more confident because you are basing your confidence on God’s Word and His righteousness.

I want to encourage you today to trade your thoughts for God thoughts!

How to Go From Insecure to Confident | The Graceful Life with Ashley Varner

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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