Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

How to Be Confident: Finding Your Value in Christ | Have you ever wondered how some Christians can be so confident all the time? It's because they live with one truth solidified in their mind. If you want more confidence, the read more on #confident #christianconfidence #confidencecoach

Where does your confidence come from? Really? We all know the Sunday School answer. “My confidence comes from knowing who I am in Christ.” But how do we actually live that out? How do we take the knowledge of God’s Word and actually infiltrate it into our daily living? When you don’t get invited to […]

There are three huge emotions that are confidence killers, but the good news is that you can change your emotions by taking your thoughts captive. You have the power to turn your fear, comparison, and inaction into bold confidence. Here’s how. <br></p> Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: Mindset Reset: (formerly 180Confidence): What […]

We all want more confidence, but how do you build a confidence mindset? Is it just repeating affirmations every day? How do you get the truth of who God says you are so ingrained in your mind that you can walk with a confidence that lasts day after day. <br>____________________ Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: […]

Confidence is important and gives us so many benefits, but it’s also important for what it helps you avoid. When you walk in confidence, you starve three harmful things to your Christian life: inadequacy, lack, and scarcity. Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: Reset: (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From the Episode CONFIDENCE SERIES Confidence […]

There’s a myth that only pastors and missionaries are called by God. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can pursue the God-given passions in your heart and you can pursue them with confidence! Podcast: Resources Mentioned: Pursuing Your Passion with Confidence Your Passion + HIS Purpose WorkbookRenew180 (formerly 180Confidence) The Myth of Full-Time […]

Today I’m talking about something I see everywhere: oversharing. Resources Mentioned The Mindset ResetRenew180 (formerly 180Confidence)Victim Mentality Episode We all have that one friend who whenever she speaks or posts something on Facebook, we think, “She is sharing way too much information.” If we’re not careful, we can fall into this category ourselves. Oversharing comes […]

If you truly want confidence, then you have to stop defining your worth the way the world does. Instead, start living with God-Confidence by seeing your worth the way He does.

Today we’re talking about something Christian women are constantly nagged about: being confident. We aren’t talking about self-confidence, though. We are talking about confidence in Christ.  The world tells us to be self-confident, but that only lasts as long as we don’t fail. Eventually, we will. We want to exude the type of confidence that comes from knowing who we are in Christ.  Resources Mentioned Walking in […]

Do you know someone who is emotionally balanced? Life may throw things at them, but they never seem to get too ruffled. They don’t live a drama-filled life. You don’t see them in the bathroom crying over their horrible weekend. It doesn’t mean they’re super happy all the time, but they aren’t being controlled by […]

Comparison is a struggle for most of us. What starts off pretty innocently can turn into an unquenchable force in our lives. Today, I’m sharing the pitfalls of comparison and how we can finally get out from under it. Resources Mentioned: Your Identity Podcast: on the Dangers of Self-Help: Allie Beth Stuckey’s Book: Mindset […]

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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In Renew180, you WON’T get band-aid tips and tricks. You’ll get exclusive training and practical coaching. My hybrid approach makes all the difference. Online courses don’t give you the chance to ask questions or provide any accountability. You’re left feeling unmotivated and don’t even finish all the lessons. The result: You don’t see results and blame yourself for wasting money.

That's why Renew180 takes a new approach.

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