What Does the Bible Say About Low Self-Esteem?

What does the Bible say about with low self-esteem? As a Christian, have you ever struggled with low self-esteem?

I know that I have.

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

But confidence is part of my right and your right as a children of God. That’s the truth of the matter. So why do so many Christian women, children of the king daughters of God struggle with self esteem and low body image? Why? Why is it so prevalent in our culture and in our thinking?

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I want to really look at what God’s word says, how He views us, and look at this idea of low self esteem and how we can overcome it.

It’s not enough to simply find out what low self esteem is, it’s more important to overcome it and see how we can cure this low self esteem and how we can help others do the same thing.

Low Self-Esteem is centered around self.

Low self esteem is centered around self.

Insecurity is not the same as humility. God’s word calls us to be humble. It calls us to have a humble heart, but humility is not about thinking lowly of yourself.

Humility is thinking about yourself less than you think about other people.

Insecurity is basically thinking of yourself all the time.

Low self esteem ultimately is a form of pride. Someone with low self esteem considers themselves to be worth very little, but they’re still thinking about themselves.

At the end of the day, their thoughts are consumed with themselves, I know because I was one of them, sometimes I still struggle with it. So I’m preaching to myself today.

Related: What To Do When You Feel Inadequate

Someone who has low self esteem considers themselves to be worth very little.

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

But how do you decide that? What factors do you take into account whenever you decide that you’re not worth very much?

If you are basing that on the way that the world sees things, that’s what’s causing you to have low self esteem or causing you to feel insecure. The world bases worth on:

  • the amount of money that’s in your bank account
  • the way that you look
  • how much you weigh
  • what size of clothes you wear
  • the type of clothes that you own
  • where you work
  • how many people you know or how many people know you
  • how many followers to how many friends you have

Those are factors that the world takes into account whenever they consider someone’s worth, but as Christians, we’re not called to look at anything the way that the world does.

We’re called to see things from God’s perspective, from his point of view, so how does God determine our worth?

You were made in the image of God so you have value, period.

If you think you’re not worth anything, just the fact that you’re made in God’s image gives you value.

And if that weren’t enough, you are so important to God that He sacrificed His son for you. He gave the ultimate price for you because He felt that you were worth it.

God made a way for us to be reconciled with him. That’s how much we were worth to him.

That’s why He sacrificed Jesus in the first place so that we could be with Him. There was no way that we were ever going to be able to be reconciled with Him just on our own merits.

There was no way that we could do enough, give enough, be enough to reach Him in His Holiness and His justice, so He took matters into His own hands and He made a way for us to be reconciled with Him.

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

Whenever we start to view ourselves the way that God does, we start valuing and seeing our worth based on how God determines it. Instead of basing our confidence on how the world determines our worth.

Whenever you spend time studying God’s word, listening to the truth, spending time in prayer, you stopped determining your worth the way that the world does, and you will start to determine your worth the way that God does. Whenever you start to do that, feelings of insecurity or feelings of low self esteem are going to diminish because you aren’t basing your worth the same way.

It’s time that we start looking at the time that we spend:

  • thinking about ourselves
  • thinking about our flaws
  • worrying about other people’s opinions of us

and instead really start to focus on someone else.

Robert Murray, the nineteenth century Scottish Pastor wrote “for every look you take at yourself, you need to take 10 looks at Christ.”

What if we changed the way that we lived to reflect that? For every look that we took at ourselves for every thought that we had about ourselves, we thought 10 thoughts about Christ or we looked 10 times more at Christ.

I would venture to say that it’s usually exactly the opposite. Even in my own life, I tend to think about myself more than anything else and I think everyone is the same because that’s just our fallen nature.

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

So how do we cure low self esteem?

How do we learn how to change the way that we view ourselves?

There’s one way, the Gospel.

The Gospel is what transforms our self worth. It’s what transforms our identity and our confidence.

The world is going to tell you that in order to get more confidence that you need to start looking inward to find that self confidence, but we don’t live the way the world does.

It’s time for women of God to stand up and say, “I am going to choose not to believe the things that the world says about me. I’m going to choose to believe what God says about me.”

And the same is true in regards to low self esteem. If you’re struggling with low self esteem, the answer is not to look inward. The answer is not to find self confidence.

The cure for low self esteem is to look outward, look beyond yourself, the people around you, focus on the Lord.

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

See the needs of the world around you, because the cure for low self esteem is to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.

It’s all about saying no to the thoughts that we are constantly thinking about ourselves. Thoughts that’s say we’re a failure or we don’t know anything or we’re not pretty enough.

Those thoughts just tend to compound and we build this shelter around us. We start to believe that the world is all about us. But as women of God, we can push those thoughts aside and start focusing on other people.

Start focusing on that single mom that needs help with her child.

Start focusing on the person that can’t afford groceries this week.

Start seeing the needs of the world around you and see beyond yourself to focus on the Lord and what He wants you to do with your life.

Related: Having a Passion for People

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

The Beauty of God-Confidence

There is a beauty that comes from God-confidence. The confidence that comes from basing our worth on Him.

See whatever we base our confidence in ourselves, that confidence will collapse whenever we fail, which is inevitable.

We’re not perfect. We’re not holy.

We’re not able to be unshaken, so anytime that you base your confidence or your self esteem on yourself, it’s going to fall eventually.

But when we base our confidence on the Lord, when we say, “my esteem and my worth does not have anything to do with me, it has everything to do with God.” When we live by that truth, then we’re standing on a solid foundation.

We have a confidence that will never be shaken because He is the immovable God. He’s the One who will never change. He’s the One who will never fail.

As we choose to do that, as we rearrange our thinking and rearrange what our heart desires. Once that happens, you go from spending a majority of your time thinking about yourself and your flaws and you start to focus on the Lord.

And suddenly that low self-esteem is replaced with God-confidence.

Grab the Walking in Confidence Devotional!

If you want God-confidence, then I want to encourage you to pick up my 21 day devotional called the Walking in Confidence: Knowing Who You are in Christ.

It is three weeks of devotions. You will get instant access to a printable workbook and each day, you listen to the audio on a great app.

Each day you’ll sit down, focus on a verse, and go through the workbook to write out your thoughts and how you can apply that verse to your life and it’s going to transform your thinking.

We’re going to talk about how you’re accepted by Christ, I’ll teach you how you can be secure in knowing who you are in Him and then the last week is all about how you are significant in God’s kingdom because that’s really what it’s all about.

We don’t want to have healthy esteem and confidence just for ourselves, we’re doing it so that we can impact this world so that we can really make a difference in the Kingdom of God and this devotional really takes you through each step.

Each day is not very long, so don’t feel like it’s a huge commitment, but it is going to really help you dig deep and think about the way that you view yourself.

We’re going to examine the thoughts you have about yourself and I’ll teach you how you can start to replace those thoughts with God’s thoughts.

When you learn how to do that, it is going to transform every aspect of your life. It will change the way you:

  • parent your children
  • respond to your husband
  • work with your coworkers
  • think about yourself
  • treat your body

It’s going to change everything. Whenever you change your thinking and replace it with God’s, it will make changes that you will never expect, and will bring you so much joy and freedom.

Don’t put it off, make sure that you grab the devotional!

How to Walk in Confidence | Overcome Low Self-Esteem God's Way | Christian Confidence | AshleyVarner.com

What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com
What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com
What does the Bible say about Low Self-Esteem? | How you can walk in confidence | AshleyVarner.com

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- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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