What To Do When You Feel Inadequate

Ever feel inadequate? Then you’re in good company. We’ve all heard the story of Moses parting the Red Sea.  We’ve heard all the great things he did for God.

How did he find the confidence to step out and do what God wanted him to do?  The simple answer is that he didn’t.  He didn’t wait to take action until he felt confident.

In this video, I share how Moses’ ministry actually got started, how he felt about God’s call, and what we can learn from it!

We look at Moses and think of His legacy and of the Red Sea, the Ten Commands, and all the big things He did for God.

But Moses’ story begins with a man who felt inadequate. As Moses is talking to the Lord in Exodus 2, Moses keeps coming back with “Why me?”

We know the whole story so it’s easy to look past the earlier feelings and forget that people in the Bible like Moses were people just like us.

Take a cue from Moses and don’t wait until you feel ready.  You’ll never feel ready.  We’re not called to feel confident or feel ready, we’re called to obedience when God asks us to do something!

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ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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