Your Passion, HIS Purpose

When I was little, I always thought God was calling me into the ministry. I had visions of being a missionary in a foreign land or being a pastor’s wife in a “Little House on the Prairie” style church.

As I got older, my visions changed to being a worship leader at a mega church or teaching orphans in third-world countries how to read.

My relationship with Lord grew stronger and, by His leading, I found myself smack dab in the middle of His will…in the business arena. My husband and I built a successful business that has been blessed by the Lord. But…something in me always felt like I was missing something.

I knew several friends who were called into “full-time” ministry and part of me felt jealous. They were making an impact on God’s Kingdom and here I was “punching a clock.”

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As I prayed, I realized that God put me exactly where He wanted me because I was called to full-time ministry right there!

The business that my husband and I built gave me the freedom to pursue writing. So I started this blog. Now, my reach spans cities and states, and I’m able to impact women around the country with the message that God loves them and is calling them closer to Himself.

All it took was changing my perspective of what ministry was! It wasn’t just something for the pastor (although I’m thankful beyond words for mine). If you’re a follower of Christ, then YOU are in full-time ministry.

christian purpose Ashley Varner


God has given each of us talents and passions, and yes even struggles, for a reason. And that reason is His purpose. There are people in your world that only YOU can reach.

There are other Christians that need support and tools that you can give because of the passions that God has put in your heart.

The body of Christ needs YOU. I’ve heard people say that they don’t need to go to church. They can worship God just fine from their homes (or their boat). But the body of Christ needs you!

You may think, “Ashley, my only talent is finding a good deal at a yard sale.” Well, honey! That can be a ministry! You can find those good deals and give gently used clothes to single moms in your life.

You may think, “I like to bake and keep a clean house, how can that benefit the kingdom?” Do you know how many women out there would love to learn from a mature Christian woman who knows how to make a house a home? That’s an avenue that you have to reach people where they are! They may come for the recipes, but they can leave with the Bread of Life!


Who have you been called to reach? Could it be other homeschool moms? Could it be teenagers who have a parent in prison? Your mission field is as unique as you are.

I know the excuses that may come into your mind. “Ashley, you don’t know my past…” Perhaps God allowed things to happen in your past because He trusts you to use them to reach others.

reach others for Christ Ashley Varner christian blog for women

To quote the *old* Avalon song, “Your life in Christ can be the greatest story ever told.” I believe the greatest regrets we will have are the things we could have done for the kingdom and didn’t. Don’t look back on your life and regret not stepping out in faith to do everything that God’s called you to do.

I want you to know that you are vital to the ministry. You are important to the kingdom. It’s time to live in the knowledge that you are called.


Do you feel God calling you to expand your mission field? Do you love to write, have a talent for taking photos, or love to put together outfits that are fashionable, yet modest?  Whatever your passion, you can use it for God’s glory! In fact, He PUTS passions in our lives so that we can use them for HIS purpose!

If you are struggling with figuring out how your passion can be used for God’s purpose, then I highly recommend picking up a free copy of Your Passion + HIS Purpose in my VIP Library. In this workbook I guide you through figuring out what passions you have, who they can best minister to, and both local and online ways you can use those passions for God’s glory!

Click HERE get instant access to that workbook and tons of other great resources!Click here to subscribe

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

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