Renewed Mind Articles

Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.

by Ashley Varner

Today we’re talking about something Christian women are constantly nagged about: being confident. We aren’t talking about self-confidence, though. We are talking about confidence in Christ.  The world tells us to be self-confident, but that only lasts as long as we don’t fail. Eventually, we will. We want to exude the type of confidence that comes from knowing who we are in Christ.  Resources Mentioned Walking in […]

Do you know someone who is emotionally balanced? Life may throw things at them, but they never seem to get too ruffled. They don’t live a drama-filled life. You don’t see them in the bathroom crying over their horrible weekend. It doesn’t mean they’re super happy all the time, but they aren’t being controlled by […]

Comparison is a struggle for most of us. What starts off pretty innocently can turn into an unquenchable force in our lives. Today, I’m sharing the pitfalls of comparison and how we can finally get out from under it. Resources Mentioned: Your Identity Podcast: on the Dangers of Self-Help: Allie Beth Stuckey’s Book: Mindset […]

Who are you? If you answered with wife, mom, business owner, teacher or something else that you do, then this episode is for you! Today we’re talking all about your identity. Resources Mentioned: Walking In Confidence Bible Study: Am Statements (Free):  Highlights from the Episode: Who are you? If you answered with wife, mom, business […]

When you base your confidence on yourself, you are sure to be disappointed at some point. Learn these tips to base your confidence on Someone who will NEVER waver – the Lord and His love for you.

You can go from insecure to confident right now. Without changing the amount of money in your bank account or the number on the scale.

Setting Boundaries in Your Relationships | Life Coaching for Christian Moms

Not everyone needs 100% access to you 100% of the time. Use these tips to create kind boundaries in your relationships so you can stop allowing others to control your time and energy.

Do you need more confidence?

True confidence comes from seeing yourself how God sees you. In this post, I’ll explain how you can become more confident in Christ. I’ll walk you through the myths that are destroying your confidence and show you how you can combat them with the knowledge of who you are in Christ.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost you confidence and embrace your true identity!

11 Habits of a Confident Woman | #christianwomeninbusiness #christianmom #confidence

Today I want to talk about the habits that will help you become a confident woman. I’ll be briefly diving into each habit, but if you are struggling with confidence, make sure to get my 21 Bible study Walking in Confidence to start building your confidence with Christ. Did you know you can listen to […]

I never thought I would say this, but I’m excited to share one of my struggles with you all. And it’s not just that I’m sharing a struggle, but I’m sharing how I have found God’s grace through it. When I was growing up, the general way of thinking was that you didn’t share struggles because […]

ready to be renewed?

- Ashley Varner

it’s my goal to reach every Christian mom with the truth that God wants to transform their life by renewing their mind.

let's get you started

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