Articles to cultivate a biblical worldview and give you the knowledge to live daily for The Lord.
Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? Even the strongest Christian finds themselves asking “Does prayer change anything?” Today, I’m sharing what to do when you are praying and not getting any answers.” Resources Mentioned: Power of Prayer Workbook: (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From The Episode Even someone who’s been a Christian […]
Do you have a dedicated place to pray? It could be a closet, a room, or just a corner in your home! Today I’m sharing how you can create a prayer room and I’m giving you a tour of mine! Resources Mentioned: The Yoga Abbey: https://theyogaabbey.comSoultime Meditation App: https://soultime.comPrayer Journal Pages on The Renewed Mind […]
Have you ever felt like your Christian life was just in a slump or maybe your relationship with the Lord just didn’t excite you or you didn’t feel as connected to him as you once were? Well, there is a cure for that and we’re going to be talking about it today ____________________ Resources Mentioned […]
Where does your confidence come from? Really? We all know the Sunday School answer. “My confidence comes from knowing who I am in Christ.” But how do we actually live that out? How do we take the knowledge of God’s Word and actually infiltrate it into our daily living? When you don’t get invited to […]
There are three huge emotions that are confidence killers, but the good news is that you can change your emotions by taking your thoughts captive. You have the power to turn your fear, comparison, and inaction into bold confidence. Here’s how. <br></p> Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: Mindset Reset: (formerly 180Confidence): What […]
We all want more confidence, but how do you build a confidence mindset? Is it just repeating affirmations every day? How do you get the truth of who God says you are so ingrained in your mind that you can walk with a confidence that lasts day after day. <br>____________________ Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: […]
Confidence is important and gives us so many benefits, but it’s also important for what it helps you avoid. When you walk in confidence, you starve three harmful things to your Christian life: inadequacy, lack, and scarcity. Resources Mentioned: Free Confidence Affirmations: Reset: (formerly 180Confidence): Highlights From the Episode CONFIDENCE SERIES Confidence […]
So, you have a dream, you even have a plan, but you don’t have the motivation to get it done. How do you find the motivation to actually do what you want to do? In today’s video, I share the real secret about motivation and what you can start doing to see results even when […]
It’s possible to experience joy no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. Being joyful isn’t the same as being happy. It’s a deeper, quiet, confidence that says, “I know I can experience joy even in the most difficult of situations.” That can be your reality! Resources Mentioned: The Mindset Reset: Journaling: of […]
It can be discouraging when you serve and don’t feel appreciated for what you do. When no one says “thank you” or “good job.” Resources Mentioned: The Mindset Reset: Journaling PDF: Free Resources Highlights from the Episode Have you ever given everything that you had and still felt unappreciated by the people around you? If that’s […]
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